Disappointments and Downers

Disappointments and Downers

You Can Feel It . . .

Growing up we have all experienced many down times.  Friends or family might encourage us by saying “Cheer Up!”  It often isn’t as easy as that to turn that old frown “upside down”.  You may find yourself now feeling overwhelmed and discouraged.  Life takes some pretty crazy turns for sure and we are left dealing with losses, emotions, and feelings of disappointment and discouragement.  It is far better to FEEL great about life, but feelings are truly all over the place for most of us.  Hymns and current songs today help lift us up as we stand on the promises of God.  And His Word is so alive speaking into the darkness of our discouraged hearts and minds.  So, where are you today?  Let’s look to God as we review the reality of life’s downer moments.

Discouragement happens even to the strongest and best of people, that’s for certain.  There is no shame in discouragement.  Being honest and facing the fact that you are very down is a good thing to do.  See the problem and take it to God.  Your feelings are real as are your circumstances.  While we may exaggerate things or be lied to by the enemy, facing those true emotions and feelings of the moment is a good thing to do.  There is no strength in ignoring or pretending.  So to deal with the downer try the following:  INSERT GRATITUDE.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 . “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God.”  Yes it’s difficult to give thanks in the midst of a heavy life storm, but look for things to be thankful for.  Instead of elaborating on experiences and offering advice,  let’s close with God’s Word and know that there are no shortcuts.  Prepare for discouraging times and cling to the Word of God.

Isaiah 41:10 . “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and I will help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Psalm 34:4 . “I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all of my fears.”

John 16:33 . “In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

Joshua 1:9 . “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Ephesians 2:19-22 .  “Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure, remember to whom you belong.”

Deuteronomy 31:6 . “Be not dismayed, for I am with you.  I will not fail you or forsake you, wherever you go.  Be strong and of good courage.”

You are where you are in your valleys and mountains of a day, week, year, and life.  For this moment, grab onto God’s promises as truth for your soul.  There is a war for your mind and for your family.  It’s ok to not be ok.  Having others think that you “have it all together” isn’t all that you think it is.  Don’t be deceived.  God is here, there, and everywhere in your storm.  He is already there my friend.


Do God’s Business

Do God’s Business

Believing in the return of Jesus might lead some to become lazy. After all, we know He is coming back. We know the end of the story. We’ve read the last chapter in the Book. In the book of Luke, Jesus used a powerful phrase. “Do business till I come.” That should ring in our ears and in our hearts. Luke 19:12-13 ” Therefore He said, ‘A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return. He called ten of his servants, and said to them do business til I come.'”